Pet Sitting

Our Pet Sitting service will suit people who prefer their pet to stay at home or perhaps have more than one pet to take care of. You will never again have to struggle to find someone to look after your loved ones whilst you’re at work, take that well deserved holiday, short break or day away. We care for dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, fish, birds, mice, rats, tortoise, turtles. In fact, you name it and we will tend to it! 

What we’ll do includes…

  • Let them outside
  • Feed them
  • Make sure there’s fresh water
  • Clear up any accidents
  • Administer medication
  • And importantly … give them a cuddle

We also offer a similar service if you struggle to care for your pets and could do with a helping hand in looking after them.  We offer our services whether you are home or not - especially if you have difficulty in walking or getting about to look after your pet or if you’re temporarily out of action for whatever reason. We can pop in and help.

Holiday Service

This is an extension of the pet sitting service for when your pets are left for longer periods. This gives you the added assurance that not only are they being cared for at home but your house doesn’t appear unoccupied. So we might put on lights, draw curtains, water plants, bring in the post and put out the bins. We can do an early morning visit to suit the time you pet ‘wakes up’ with a mid-day visit and a ‘put ‘em to bed’ service. This particularly suits cats that prefer their home environment, small caged animals, fish, reptiles and birds.

This service can be adapted to include stay at home dogs that need daily walks when you’re on holiday.

We can cater for any special requirements for your pet. If we do not mention the service you need, please contact us to discuss your requirements.
Poppins also provide in-house home boarding for most types of animals, including collection and delivery.